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Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable ~ Procedures must also strike a workable balance in the use of custodial and noncustodial sentencing options and in the powers of systemic and caselevel decision makers the legislature sentencing commission judges attorneys and correctional officials
Just Sentencing Richard S Frase Oxford University Press ~ Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable System Richard S Frase Studies in Penal Theory and Philosophy The first book in over forty years to present a fully developed hybrid punishment theory which incorporates both utilitarian and retributive sentencing purposes
Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable ~ Richard Frase’s book Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable System constitutes a formidable defense of a hybrid sentencing model one which he terms the Expanded Limiting Retributive Model hereafter abbreviated ELRM Frase’s model incorporates strict upper retributive limits on sentences and less strict lower limits
Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable ~ Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable System can be purchased here In Just Sentencing Richard S Frase presents a sentencing model that integrates theory and practice combining clearlystated normative principles with procedures that have proven successful in the most fullydeveloped state sentencing guidelines systems
Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable ~ title Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable System abstract This book presents a hybrid sentencing model integrating theory and practice The theory is an expanded version of limiting retributivism that accommodates crime control and other nonretributive purposes of punishment including utilitarian proportionality and minimizing racial disparity
Just Sentencing Principles and Procedures for a Workable ~ In Just Sentencing Richard Frase describes and defends a hybrid sentencing model that integrates theory and practiceblending and balancing both the competing principles of retribution and rehabilitation and the procedural concern of weighing rules against discretion
Preface and Introduction Just Sentencing Principles and ~ Procedures must also strike a workable balance in the use of custodial and noncustodial sentencing options and in the powers of systemic policy makers the legislature and sentencing commission and caselevel decision makers judges attorneys and correctional officials
Just sentencing principles and procedures for a workable ~ In Just Sentencing Richard S Frase offers a hybrid sentencing model that combines clearlystate normative principles with procedures that have proven successful in practice Frase advocates an expanded version of the theory of limiting retributivism recognizing desertbsed and other limits on sentence severity while accommodating crime control and other nonretributive punishment purposes
Sentencing Law and Policy Just Sentencing 1 Overview ~ Procedures must also strike a workable balance in the use of custodial and noncustodial sentencing options and in the powers of systemic policy makers the legislature and sentencing commission and caselevel decision makers judges attorneys and correctional officials
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