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Date : 2012-06-15
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InterAct Interpersonal Communication Concepts Skills ~ Designed to help students explore interactions in both personal and professional domains and develop the specific skills necessary to creating and maintaining healthy relationships InterAct Interpersonal Communication Concepts Skills and Contexts Fourteenth Edition retains the features that have made this book so successful a theory driven and skillsbased focus an accessible tone and presentation and a multitude of useful pedagogical tools For this edition new coauthor Erina
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InterAct Interpersonal Communication Concepts Skills ~ Designed to help students understand communication processes in relationships and develop specific skills needed to create and maintain healthy ones InterAct Interpersonal Communication Concepts Skills and Contexts Twelfth Edition retains the features that have made this book so successful a theory driven skillsbased focus an accessible tone and presentation and
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InterAct Paperback Kathleen S Verderber Erina L ~ Designed to help students explore interactions in both personal and professional domains and develop the specific skills necessary to creating and maintaining healthy relationships InterAct Interpersonal Communication Concepts Skills and Contexts Fourteenth Edition retains the features that have made this book so successful a theory driven and skillsbased focus an accessible tone and presentation and a multitude of useful pedagogical tools For this edition new coauthor Erina
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