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Date : 2015-01-02
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National Intelligence and Science Wilhelm Agrell ~ National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide in Analysis and Policy Wilhelm Agrell and Gregory F Treverton Examines the shared challenges of both intelligence analysis and scientific research focused on societal risks in terms of assessing and describing uncertainty One of the first efforts to analyze the converging domains of intelligence and science
National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide ~ Science and intelligence constitute two remarkably similar and interlinked domains of knowledge production yet ones that remain traditionally separated by a deep political cultural and epistemological divide
National intelligence and science beyond the great divide ~ National intelligence and science beyond the great divide in analysis and policy By Wilhelm Agrell and Gregory F Treverton Robert Dover Loughborough University UK Search for more papers by this author Robert Dover Loughborough University UK
National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide ~ National Intelligence and Science is one of the first attempts to analyze these converging domains and the implications of their convergence in terms of both more scientific approaches to intelligence problems and intelligence approaches to scientific problems Science and intelligence constitute as the book spells out two remarkably similar and interlinked domains of knowledge production yet ones that remain traditionally separated by a deep political cultural and epistemological divide
National intelligence and science beyond the great divide ~ National intelligence and science beyond the great divide in analysis and policy By Wilhelm Agrell and Gregory F Treverton Article in International Affairs 915 · September 2015 with 49 Reads
National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide ~ National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide in Analysis and Policy Ebook written by Wilhelm Agrell Gregory F Treverton Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC android iOS devices Download for offline reading highlight bookmark or take notes while you read National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide in Analysis and Policy
National intelligence and science beyond the great ~ National intelligence and science beyond the great divide in analysis and policy Wilhelm Agrell Gregory F Treverton Intelligence is currently facing increasingly challenging crosspressures from both a need for accurate and timely assessments of potential or imminent security threats and the unpredictability of
Intelligence in Public Literature Intelligence Officer’s ~ National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide in Analysis and Policy by Wilhelm Agrell and Gregory Treverton The New Spymasters Inside Espionage from the Cold War to Global Terror by Stephen Grey The NSA Report Liberty and Security in a Changing World by Richard A Clarke Michael J Morell
National Intelligence and Science Beyond the Great Divide ~ For both of these knowledgeproducing domains the common denominator is the paramount challenges of framing and communicating uncertainty and of managing the pitfalls of politicization National Intelligence and Science is one of the first attempts to analyze these converging domains and the implications of their convergence in terms of both more scientific approaches to intelligence problems and intelligence approaches to scientific problems
National Intelligence and Science 豆瓣 ~ National Intelligence and Science is one of the first attempts to analyze these converging domains and the implications of their convergence in terms of both more scientific approaches to intelligence problems and intelligence approaches to scientific problems
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