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Date : 2010-07-22
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The Biology And Conservation Of Wild Felids Oxford ~ David Macdonald is Director of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit in the Department of Zoology at Oxford University and is also the Senior Research Fellow in Wildlife Conservation at Lady Margaret Hall Oxford
The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids Paperback ~ The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids Edited by David Macdonald and Andrew Loveridge The first comprehensive coverage of felid conservation biology An indispensible foundation for theoretician and practitioner alike setting the agenda for the next decade of felid biology and conservation
The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids Oxford ~ 1 Dramatis personae an introduction to the wild felids 2 Phylogeny and evolution of cats Felidae 3 Felid form and function 4 Genetic applications in wild felids 5 Felid society 6 People and wild felids conservation of cats and management of conflicts 7 Many ways of skinning a cat tools and techniques for studying wild felids 8
Oxford University Press The Biology Conservation of ~ The Biology Conservation of Wild Fields OUP UK The editors utilize their 50 years of combined experience in professional engagement with the behaviour and ecology of wild felids to draw together a unique network of the worlds most respected and knowledgeable experts
Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids David Macdonald ~ You can write a book review and share your experiences Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read Whether youve loved the book or not if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them
The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids ~ Great Clarendon Street Oxford OX26DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research scholarship and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi
The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids AbeBooks ~ About this Item Oxford University Press USA 2010 Condition New This advanced textbook brings together a unique network of the worlds most respected and knowledgeable experts to provide a review of the biology and conservation of wild felids and detailed casestudies from species investigations worldwide
Biology and conservation of wild felids Book 2010 ~ Beginning with a complete account of all thirtysix felid species there follow eight comprehensive review chapters that span all the topics most relevant to felid conservation and biology including evolution and systematics felid form and function genetic applications behavioural ecology management of conflict with people and control of international trade in felid species conservation toolstechniques ex situ management and felid diseases
Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids ~ sister volume of the Biology and Conservation of Wild Canids by David Macdonald and Claudio SilleroZubiri which was published by Oxford University Press in 2004 We believe that the two as a pair are more than the sum of their parts This book had several beginnings as did our own interests in felids In 1978 as the culmination to a
Felid Biology and Conservation ~ This volume contains the programme and abstracts of the “Felid Biology and Conservation Conference” to be held in Oxford 1721 September 2007 The conference is organized by the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit WildCRU from the Zoology Department at University of Oxford UK
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