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Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of ~ Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of Tainted Money William Blair Richard Brent Tom Grant on FREE shipping on qualifying offers This thoroughly revised and updated new edition provides a practical guide for banks and their lawyers in respect of their regulatory responsibilities
Banks and Financial Crime William Blair Richard Brent ~ Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of Tainted Money Second Edition Edited by William Blair Richard Brent and Tom Grant The only comprehensive singlevolume book that sets out the relevant law on banks and financial crime in its international setting
Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of ~ Additionally decisions of the European Court of Human Rights the Court of Justice of the European Union and national courts are analysed and explained It also provides a further assessment of the extent to which there has emerged an international law of tainted money to complement the emergence of an international financial system
Banks and Financial CrimeThe International Law of Tainted ~ Financial crime is an important and topical area Concerns over money laundering have grown considerably since links with terrorist organisations have become more apparent in recent years This revised and updated new edition provides a guide for banks to their regulatory responsibilities their private law duties their liabilities to third parties and their obligations to assist persons
Banks and financial crime the international law of ~ Get this from a library Banks and financial crime the international law of tainted money William Blair Richard Brent Zachary Douglas This volume sets out to provide banks and legal advisors with a practical and international guide to the issues surrounding banks and financial crime It looks at the problems banks now face and the
Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of ~ It also sets the law in its national and international policy context and pays particular attention to the international sources of the relevant law Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of Tainted Money 2nd Revised edition Oxford University Press
Banks and financial crime the international law of ~ a Banks and financial crime b the international law of tainted money c ed by William Blair and Richard Brent contributors Zachary Douglas 260 a Oxford b Oxford university press c 2008
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BANKS AND FINANCIAL CRIME ~ BANKS AND FINANCIAL CRIME The International Law of Tainted Money Edited by SIR WILLIAM BLAIR One ofHer MajestysJustices Queens Bench Division RICHARD BRENT Barrister 3 Verulam Buildings Grays Inn Contributors ZÄCHARY DOUGLAS Barrister Matrix Chambers JAMES EVANS Barrister 3 Verulam Buildings Grays Inn
Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of ~ Buy Banks and Financial Crime The International Law of Tainted Money The Law of Tainted Money by William Blair QC Richard Brent ISBN 9780199291724 from Amazons Book Store Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders
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