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Date : 2014-10-30
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Complexity economics Wikipedia ~ Complexity economics is the application of complexity science to the problems of economics It sees the economy not as a system in equilibrium but as one in motion perpetually constructing itself anew It uses computational rather than mathematical analysis to explore how economic structure is formed and reformed
Complexity Economics Exploring Economics ~ Complexity economics is the study of economic systems as complex systems Complex systems are systems which consist of interacting individuals that change their actions and strategies in response to the outcome they mutually create Arthur 2013
Countries Ranked by Their Economic Complexity Visual ~ Australia’s largest exports are in low complexity categories such as minerals and agriculture To compound matters the country’s economy is heavily linked to China’s To underscore this point a recent study found that a 5 drop in China’s GDP would result in a 25 dip in Australia’s Venezuela
Complexity and the Economy Santa Fe Institute ~ Complexity and the Economy W Brian Arthur Citibank Professor Santa Fe Institute Paper appeared in Science 2 April 1999 284 107109 Common to all studies on complexity are systems with multiple elements adapting or reacting to the pat tern these elements create
OEC Economic Complexity Ranking of Countries 20132017 ~ The Economic Complexity Index ECI and the Product Complexity Index PCI are respectively measures of the relative knowledge intensity of an economy or a product ECI measures the knowledge intensity of an economy by considering the knowledge intensity of the products it exports
The complexity of our economy Columnist ~ Whereas economic development in its complexity is really about creating the connections the networks that link us the producers with the consumers other suppliers via the mental models
How and why should we study ‘economic complexity’ Our ~ In the academic paper where Hidalgo and Hausmann introduced their concept of ‘economic complexity’ they noted that the correlation between the ECI and GDP per capita is very robust and they showed that beyond this the ECI actually predicts economic growth after statistically controlling for other baseline country characteristics So countries with higher economic complexity than their level of GDP per capita would suggest can be expected to grow faster
OEC The Observatory of Economic Complexity ~ The Observatory of Economic Complexity by Alexander Simoes is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 30 Unported License Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available here
The Atlas of Economic Complexity ~ Visualize global trade data and economic growth opportunities for every country
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