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Date : 2017-08-01
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Strategic Intelligence Conceptual Tools for Leading Change ~ This book describes the qualities of strategic intelligence and provides the conceptual tools that equip leaders to improve and transform organizations in the age of knowledge work These qualities include foresight visioning partnering both within and outside the organization and engaging and motivating collaborators
Strategic Intelligence Conceptual Tools for Leading Change ~ Develops the idea of Strategic Intelligence Describes different types of leadership Provides tools for adaptation and change Changes in technology customer demands competition and the social character challenge organizations to innovate and change How they change depends on their leaders and their knowledge and philosophy
Strategic Intelligence Hardcover Michael Maccoby ~ Strategic Intelligence Conceptual Tools for Leading Change Michael Maccoby Equips leaders consultants and students with new conceptual tools for understanding and motivating change Describes elements of personality which aids understanding of partners and collaborators Develops the idea of Strategic Intelligence
Strategic Intelligence Conceptual Tools for Leading ~ Strategic Intelligence Conceptual Tools for Leading Change Changes in technology customer demands competition and the social character challenge organizations to innovate and change How they change depends on their leaders and their knowledge and philosophy
Strategic intelligence conceptual tools for leading ~ Strategic intelligence conceptual tools for leading change Michael Maccoby Changes in technology customer demands competition and the social character challenge organizations to innovate and change How they change depends on their leaders and their knowledge Your Web browser is not enabled for JavaScript
Perspective on Strategic Intelligence Conceptual Tools ~ desired end” Strategic intelligence employs all the qualities of head and heart to equip leaders with the conceptual tools essential to creating a better future for an organization The following abilities and conceptual tools are integral to strategic intelligence • Foresight is the ability to anticipate currents of change that can threaten an organization or provide opportunities
STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE A CONCEPTUAL SYSTEM OF LEADERSHIP ~ STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE A CONCEPTUAL SYSTEM OF LEADERSHIP FOR CHANGE Michael Maccoby PhD Tim Scudder CPA There is only one irrefutable definition of a leader someone people follow Therefore leadership is a relationship between the leader and the led Unlike management the leadership relationship cannot be delegated or automated
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