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Date : 2014-02-05
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Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law ~ Whilst the overarching approach of this text is a consideration of the international legal aspects of climate change and forced migration it is eminently engaging and the relevance of the issues raised are undoubtedly of importance far beyond the individuals and communities most directly impacted
Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law ~ Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law Jane McAdam Full legal analysis of the position in international law of the growing number of people displaced by climate change Indepth international law analysis of the phenomenon of climate change refugees Interdisciplinary approach to this complex issue
Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law ~ It does so by examining the reasons why people move or choose not to move the extent to which climate change as opposed to underlying socioeconomic factors provides a trigger for such movement and whether traditional international responses such as the conclusion of new treaties and the creation of new institutions are appropriate solutions in this context
Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law ~ Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law Displacement caused by climate change is an area of growing concern With current rises in sea levels and changes to the global climate it is an issue of fundamental importance to the future of many parts of the world
Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law ~ Jane McAdam’s new monograph Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law is best described as compendious a detailed nuanced and extraordinarily wellreferenced treatment of the climate change–migration nexus While this theme has gained significant currency in the last half decade the literature has become bloated and confused and is characterized by a tendency to state the obvious or rely on arbitrary concepts frameworks and data
Refugees climate change and international law Forced ~ At the moment then it would be difficult perhaps impossible to achieve global consensus on the issue of international population movements and climate change Also it is a risky move to transfer into international law a debate which continues to generate controversy in the scientific sphere and
FORCED MIGRATION AFTER PARIS COP21 Columbia Law Review ~ Climate change represents perhaps the greatest challenge of the twentyfirst century As temperatures and sea levels rise governments around the world will face massive and unprecedented human displacement that international law currently has no mechanism to address
Climate Change and Forced Migration Public Seminar ~ Climate change is likely to result in disasters on steroids as events become more frequent and more intense Although most displaced people will not cross an international border many will — and their legal status can be precarious
Climate Change and Forced Migration Canada’s Role ~ For more than 25 years governments have been aware that climate change may lead to the forced migration of millions of people4 Now with the effects of climate change becoming increasingly apparent in some parts of the world the fear of mass migration may escalate within the international community5
Climate Change Forced Migration and International Law ~ 1 Climate change Forced Migration and International Law provides a clear and lucid overview of the relationships between the three Over the 270 pages of content Jane McAdam gives us a thoughtful and coherent analysis on this difficult topic with 23 pages of rich bibliography
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