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Date : 2010-10-01
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Measurements and their Uncertainties A Practical Guide to ~ Mathematics Department Imperial College London SW7 2AZ UK Search for more papers by this author
Measurements and their uncertainties a practical guide ~ This handson guide is primarily intended to be used in undergraduate laboratories in the physical sciences and engineering It assumes no prior knowledge of statistics It introduces the necessary concepts where needed with key points illustrated with worked examples and graphic illustrations
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Uncertainties in singlevariable IKIU ~ Uncertainties in singlevariable functions The functional approach to obtain the uncertainty in a function Z f A when A has been measured to be A¯ ±αA αZ f A¯ αA − f A¯ This is shown schematically in the figure
Measurements and their Uncertainties by Hughes Ifan ebook ~ Measurements and their Uncertainties A practical guide to modern error analysis by Ifan Hughes This handson guide is primarily intended to be used in undergraduate laboratories in the physical sciences and engineering It assumes no prior knowledge of statistics
Measurements and their Uncertainties A practical guide to ~ Measurements and their Uncertainties A practical guide to modern error analysis Ifan Hughes Thomas Hase This handson guide is primarily intended to be used in undergraduate laboratories in the physical sciences and engineering It assumes no prior knowledge of statistics
Measurements and their Uncertainties A practical guide to ~ Measurements and their Uncertainties book Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers This handson guide is primarily intended to be used
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