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Date : 2014-01-16
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Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of ~ In Wars of Plunder University of British Colombia’s Philippe Le Billon’s heavily footnoted book builds on his previous work by using his personal research acquired from traveling and working in countries such as Angola Cambodia the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone
Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of ~ In the final analysis Wars of Plunder clearly and with much detail using many case studies illustrates the relationship or lack thereof between armed conflict and several of the abovementioned extractive resources Overall it is a very well organized read both for the average reader and the scholar of international resource conflicts
Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of ~ From Angola and Liberia to Iraq and the Congo wars have taken place in resource rich countries full of poor people In Wars of Plunder Philippe Le Billon explores how resources have shaped recent conflicts and what the international community has tried to do about it Focusing on key resourcesoil diamonds and timberhe argues that resources and wars are linked in three main ways
Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of ~ The other side of Africa is that it is a continent very rich in natural resources oil diamonds gold coltan timber and many other commodities In the past couple of decades natural resources have played a remarkable role in a good number of conflicts and wars in many corners of the world
Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of ~ Wars of Plunder explores the interplay of natural resources and armed conflicts and what the international community has tried to do about it Focusing on key resources — oil diamonds and timber — the book argues that resources and wars are linked in three main ways
Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of ~ Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of Resources From Angola and Iraq to Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo resourcerich countries with high incidences of poverty are prone to devastating outbreaks of war
Project MUSE Wars of Plunder conflicts profits and the ~ Philippe Le Billon Wars of Plunder conflicts profits and the politics of resources London C Hurst Company pb £20 – 978 1 84904 145 4 2012 xi 363 pp The question of how an abundance of natural resources has impeded African development has been a major concern to many an observer of African political economy
Wars of Plunder Hardcover Philippe Le Billon Oxford ~ Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of Resources Philippe Le Billon Provocative look at contemporary conflictswars taking place in resource rich countries filled with impoverished people Focuses on three key resources oil diamonds and timber Critical of the role of developed countries in such conflicts
Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of ~ Wars of Plunder Conflicts Profits and the Politics of Resources Philippe Le Billon 9780199333462 Books
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