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Date : 2011-11-10
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What is Ocean Acidification ~ Ocean acidification refers to a reduction in the pH of the ocean over an extended period time caused primarily by uptake of carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere
Ocean Acidification Smithsonian Ocean ~ Ocean acidification is sometimes called “climate change’s equally evil twin” and for good reason its a significant and harmful consequence of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that we dont see or feel because its effects are happening underwater
Ocean acidification Wikipedia ~ Ocean acidification is the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth s oceans caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide CO 2 from the atmosphere Seawater is slightly basic meaning pH 7 and ocean acidification involves a shift towards pHneutral conditions rather than a transition to acidic conditions pH 7
What is Ocean Acidification ~ What is Ocean Acidification The Chemistry When carbon dioxide CO 2 is absorbed by seawater The Biological Impacts Ocean acidification is expected to impact ocean species to varying degrees Pteropods The pteropod or sea butterfly is a tiny sea creature about the size of a small pea
Understanding Ocean Acidification NOAA Fisheries ~ Ocean acidification is a global threat to the world’s oceans estuaries and waterways It is often called “climate change’s evil twin” and is projected to grow as carbon dioxide continues to be emitted into the atmosphere at recordhigh levels
What is Ocean Acidification Climate Science and Climate ~ Ocean acidification refers to decreasing levels of pH in the ocean which makes the sea more acidic It is the longterm change in seawater chemistry due to the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Roughly 30 percent of humanmade CO2 is absorbed by the oceans
Ocean Acidification Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ~ Like global warming this phenomenon which is known as ocean acidification is a direct consequence of increasing levels of carbon dioxide CO 2 in Earth’s atmosphere Prior to industrialization the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 280 parts per million ppm
Ocean Acidification Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory ~ Ocean Acidification The Other Carbon Dioxide Problem Ocean acidification or OA for short is the term given to the chemical changes in the ocean as a result of carbon dioxide emissions Location of planned OA monitoring and research sites and affiliated NOAA labs
Ocean Acidification The Integrated Ocean Observing ~ Now ocean chemistry of the seawater is rapidly changing in a process known as ocean acidification These changes in seawater chemistry affect animal growth survival and behavior and they are depleting the ocean of calcium carbonate a nutrient vital for shellfish to build shells
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