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Date : 2015-08-19
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The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology 9780199773893 ~ The Fourth Edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells The book begins with properties of the many newly discovered ion channels that have emerged through mapping of the genome
Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology Oxford Medicine ~ The Fourth Edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells It begins with properties of the many newly discovered ion channels that have emerged through mapping of the genome and which shape the way a single neuron generates varied patterns of electrical activity It also covers the molecular mechanisms that convert electrical
Overview of Neuron Structure and Function Molecular Cell ~ The postsynaptic cell can be a dendrite or cell body of another neuron a muscle or gland cell or rarely even another axon When an action potential in the presynaptic cell reaches an axon terminal it induces a localized rise in the level of Ca 2 in the cytosol
Cell and Molecular Biology of the Neuron Principles of ~ Thus the construction of the brain and the cell biology biophysics and biochemistry of its component neurons reflect its fundamental function which is to mediate behavior The great diversity of nerve cells—the fundamental units from which the modules of the nervous systems are assembled—is derived from one basic cell plan
The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology by Irwin B Levitan ~ The third edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells The first part of the book covers the properties of the many ion channels that shape the way a single neuron generates varied patterns of electrical activity as well as the molecular mechanisms that convert electrical activity into the secretion of
9780195145236 The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology ~ The third edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells The first part of the book covers the properties of the many ion channels that shape the way a single neuron generates varied patterns of electrical activity as well as the molecular mechanisms that convert electrical activity into the secretion of neurotransmitter hormones
The Neuron Irwin B Levitan Leonard K Kaczmarek ~ The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology Fourth Edition Irwin B Levitan and Leonard K Kaczmarek Provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells Covers the properties of the many ion channels that shape the way a single neuron generates varied patterns of electrical activity
The neuron cell and molecular biology eBook 2015 ~ The Fourth Edition of The Neuron features newly updated chapters and scores of fullcolor figures making it an ideal first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells Rating not yet rated 0 with reviews Be the first
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